Jacob Sheep Breeders Societies and Associations Stackyard Links to on-line pedigree Jacob sheep breeders societies and associations around the world
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Jacob Sheep Breeders Societies and Associations
    Jacob Sheepjacob
united kingdom     jacob society
Jacob Sheep Society
  The Society sets out to improve breed conformation and prolificacy and staple length and quality of the wool through the maintenance a flock book of registered sheep and by encouraging show classes and educational activities amongst its members.
usa     jacob sheep
Jacob Sheep Breeders Association
  Importation of Jacob Sheep to the U.S. and Canada has occurred in small numbers since the turn of the century (1900). These have been dispersed all over the continent and many crossed to other breeds.
          Breeders Corner      
      Nettlebed Flock uk Newsholme, Gisburn  
      Woolpit Flock uk Suffolk, England  
      Nutwood Flock uk Worcestershire  
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