Damara Sheep Breeders Societies and Associations Stackyard Links to on-line purebred Damara sheep breeders societies and associations around the world
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Damara Sheep Breeders Societies and Associations
    damara sheep breeders
South Africa     damara sheep
South African Damara Breeders' Society
  The Society was founded on 28 April 1992 by 26 founding members. By October 1996 the number of members had grown to 71.
Australia     Damara Sheep Breeders Society of Australia Inc
Damara Sheep Breeders Society
of Australia Inc
  The Damara is a unique breed of meat sheep ideally suited to our Australian climate.
Damaras originated in East Asia & Egypt circa 3000BC and were introduced to Australia from South Africa in 1996. They have adapted to extreme climates and harsh environments as they have migrated to many countries.
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