Argentinian Cattle Breeders Registries and Associations Stackyard Links to on-line pedigree cattle breeders registries, societies and associations in Argentina
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Argentinian Cattle Breeders Registries and Associations
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Asociacion Argentina de Criadores de Limousin
  El Limousin es hoy una raza exclusivamente carnicera, originaria del centro Oeste de Francia. Importada a la Argentina recien en los '60, se difunde despues en mas de cincuenta paises.
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Asociacion Argentina Criadores de Hereford
  The Hereford Herdbook, for the recording of the breeding and parentage details of the stock was "opened" in England in 1846.
      argentinian holstein
Asociacion Criadores de Holando Argentino
  Holsteins were brought from Holland into Argentina in 1880 by president Julio A. Roca. They settled in the north of CĀ¾rdoba, Santa Fe and Pergamino, in the province of Buenos Aires.
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