2019-02-27 |
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Texel Five Nations Youth Event
Visits to some of the breed’s leading flocks will be a key feature of this year’s Texel Youth Development Programme Five Nations Event being held in southern Scotland in June.
The event, which takes place in Lanarkshire and Ayrshire from Friday 7th June to Sunday 9th June, will see young people with an interest in the breed converge from all points of the British Isles, explains Texel Sheep Society YDP coordinator Ailish Ross.
Five Nations Event 2019
“The Five Nations Event takes place every two years in a different country, with Scotland hosting for the first time this year. Giving young people in the breed a chance to come together to share experiences and build friendships and business relationships, the weekend is one not be missed,” she explained.
On the Friday participants will visit the Gray family’s Scrogtonhead flock, before moving on to the Clark family’s Garngour, Teiglum and Clarks flocks. “Both of these well established flocks are part of larger farming businesses and have been at the forefront of the breed for a number of years.
“The Scrogtonhead flock is noted for producing high quality pedigree and commercial shearling rams, regularly being among the top prices at Kelso Ram Sales.
“Meanwhile, the Clark family’s flocks have, in recent years, been among the top sellers at the breed’s showcase Scottish National Sale, Lanark, selling to a top of 70,000gns for Teiglum Young Gun. Founded by the late Jim Clark from the original imports in 1974, the flocks today are managed by Jim’s sons Alan, Andrew and David in partnership with their mother, Helen.”
Both of these visits are sure to be of interest to young breeders, adds Miss Ross. “Saturday will see another high profile flock visit, with young breeders heading to the Auldhouseburn flock of Hugh and Alan Blackwood.”
This more recently established flock has quickly risen to the higher echelons of the breed, selling females to 20,000gns and tups to 75,000gns for Auldhouseburn Boss. “Saturday will also see attendees take part in the lighter side of the weekend, with a ‘Highland Games’ competition taking place on Saturday morning testing the youngsters in a variety of ways.”
Miss Ross says the weekend is set to be an action packed and informative event which will give those attending a range of opportunities to interact with other young breeders in a relaxed, informal setting.
“We are expecting a large attendance and places are available on a strictly first come, first served basis, so anyone wishing to attend is urged to book their place at the earliest opportunity.”