The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 21 prime cattle, 6 over thirty month cattle, 4,577 prime lambs and 4,621 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Tuesday 21st December, 2010.
A small show of prime cattle due to the weather was met by an outstanding trade. Top price of 182.5p for a Limousin bullock from R.M. & P. Armstrong, Slealands, others 179.5p, 176.5p, 174.5p Dashwell Green, 171.5p Nether Onsett, 169.5p Slealands, 168.5p Dashwell Green; Blonde d’Aquitaine 175.5p Nirvana; Angus 171.5p, 162.5p Burnfoot on Esk; Simmental 169.5p Nirvana; Charolais 165.5p Sceughdyke.
Heifers to 169.5p and 165.5p for Charolais from Sceughdyke; British Blue 168.5p Becton Hall. Top price per head of £1,234 for Limousin bullocks from Nether Onsett, £1,221, £1,182, £1,179, £1,157 Dashwell Green; Angus £1,166 Burnfoot on Esk; Charolais £1,108, £1,103 Sceughdyke. Heifers to £1,036 for British Blue from Becton Hall; Charolais £1,000 Sceughdyke.
A small show of cows were forward with a top price of 93.5p for Luing from Arkleton; Galloway 59.5p Whiteknowe.
A grand show of 4,577 prime lambs was forward, selling to the usual ring of buyers and enjoying a very festive trade with the best average of the week at 190.3p per kilo (193.7p per kilo SQQ).
A highlight of this late festive sale was a terrific consignment of 1,250 head from Kintyre and Mid Argyll who saw an exceptional trade.
The sale was topped at 228p per kilo for Beltex from Copperthorns, with a top per head of £111.50 for Texels from Aldermanseat, others £103.50 Newbigging, £97.80 Low Longthwaite; Suffolk £99.50 Ashley Park, £98.50 Sceughdyke, Hallburn and Low Longthwaite; Beltex £95.20 Raggetsyke, £94.50 Tinnis Hall, £90 Raggetsyke; Charollais £93.80 Hallburn, £92.80 Moss Side, £84.80 Ardlamy; Greyface £87.80 Sandbed, £87.50 Whitchester, £86.20 Guards Mill; Hill Cheviot £84.80, £81.80 Sorbie, £80 Pilmuir; Cheviot Mule £84.20 Falnash; Blackface £81.20 Silloans, Cleuch Head, £80.20 Cleuch Head, £78.80 Sceughdyke; Leicester £79.80, £78.80 Drumhumphrey, £77.80 Raggetsyke.
The 795 lightweight lambs sold to a top of £68.80 for Texels from Castlenook, £68.20 Greenburn; Greyface £68 Old Graitney, £64.80 Arnicle; Blackface £67.80 Haystown and Skelfhill, £66.20 Kildaloig; Cheviot £67.50 Clifton on Bowmont, £64.20 Killean Estate.
Another good show of 4,621 cast ewes and rams were forward to a full ring of buyers and seasonal trade resulted in ewes being £5 to £6 dearer on the week. Heavy ewes to £120.50 for Texels from Kirkton, £118.50 Tenter House, £112.50 Kirkton, Allfornaught and Nether Stenries; Bleu d’Maine £114.50 Rottington Hall; Suffolk £108.50 Allfornaught, £104.50 Lowes Fell, £100.50 South Mains; Leicester £100.50 Lowes Fell, £98.50 Halliday Hill, £96.50 Lowes Fell; Half Bred £98.50 Burnfoot on Esk and Allfornaught; Charollais £96.50 Allfornaught, £90.50 Becklees; North Country Cheviot £91.50 Halliday Hill, £88.50 Longrow, £81.50 Achamore; Greyface £88.50 Middle Farm, £86.50 Newbigging, £84.50 Rigg House, £83.50 Tenter House, Sevenacres and Brownchesters; Beltex £86.50 Becklees; Dorset £77.50 Colte Coates.
Hill ewes to £78.50 for Blackfaces from Tenter House, others £73.50 Tonehall and Lowes Fell, £72.50 Thornton Tower and Drumhumprey; Cheviot £77.50 Newbigging, £65.50 Achamore, £64.50 Skelfhill; Kerry £66.50 Becklees; Swaledale £60.50 Brampton Fell, £59.50 Derwent, £55.50 Brampton Fell, £52.50 Tenter House; Herdwick £52.50 Milton; Lleyn £58.50 Sloda Hill.
Rams to £120.50 for Bleu d’Maine from Middle Farm; Texel £108.50 Langa, £94.50 Newbigging, £92.50 Colte Coates; Leicester £89.50 Brampton Fell, £78.50 Lowes Fell; North Country Cheviot £88.50 Killean Estate, £82.50 South Mains; Blackface £84.50 Thornton Tower, £65.50 Auchengibbert; Suffolk £74.50 Achamore; Charollais £74.50 Netherton
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 169.5p (169.5p)
Heavy to 182.5p (169.6p)
Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to -------p (-------p)
Heavy to 169.5p (163.2p)
Young bulls -------p (-------p)
Light to 210.0p (187.4p)
Standard to 228.0p (195.2p)
Medium to 220.0p (193.3p)
Heavy to 208.0p (182.4p)
Overweight 188.0p (173.6p)
Light to £78.50 (£56.08)
Heavy to £120.50 (£76.71)
Cast Rams £120.50(£65.14)
Longtown Primestock Sale - 16th December 2010
Longtown Primestock Sale - 9th December 2010
Longtown Primestock Sale - 2nd December 2010