Store lambs – over 7,200 of them – passed through the ring, as Skipton Auction Mart staged its third big sheep sale on consecutive days in a series of special events celebrating the 20th anniversary at the current site. (Wed, Sept 8)
Colin, left, and Paul Lister with the prize-winning pen of
Masham Wethers at Skipton.
With a record turnout of more than 5,000 prime lambs on the Monday, followed by the high profile opening show and sale of 6,000 North of England Mule gimmer lambs the next day, the mart processed almost 18,500 sheep over three days.
The current buoyant trade in the sheep sector was maintained at the store lamb fixture, with representation at the ringside from across the country, including Cambridgeshire, Devon, North Wales and Northumberland, resulting in strong demand for all classes.
Well-drawn Continental and Suffolk-cross Mule gimmer lambs met an excellent trade, with demand for long-keep sheep again notably strong
There was total clearance at an overall average selling price of £58.65 per head, a marked increase on the £47.15 a head average paid in 2009.
The annual prize show for pens of 40 Masham Wethers took centre stage, with the championship awarded to the third generation Dales farming family of K Lister & Sons, based at Kiln Hall, Kettlewell.
Ken Lister and his two nephews Colin and Paul, were responsible for the title winners, awarded the Craven Cattle Marts Trophy. They sold for the day’s top price of £57.20 per head (£49 in 2009) to buyers from South Wales, Lyn Jones & Son, Penbrey.
Top and average prices on the day were: Store Lambs - Suffolk x to £66.20 av £59.43, Texel x to £75.20 av £59.26, Mule to £65.50 av £53.99, Masham to £57.20 av £55.17. Gimmer Lambs - Texel x to £95 av £73.12, Suffolk x to £84 av £68.10 Charollais x Lambs to £74 av £ 69.34, Mules to £87.
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