Advisers from Skills Development Scotland recently attended a Career Adviser’s Seminar organised in conjunction with Lantra Sector Skills Council, to learn first hand about the exciting and progressive range of career opportunities available in the environmental and land-based sector.
Careers advisers attending the seminar.
During the event advisers received an insight into the career options available within the sector and also learnt of the need to attract 10,000 new entrants over the next 10 years, just to meet demand. Advisers also had the opportunity to question a range of employers and industry experts about the highs and lows of their experience, and about the career prospects and training available, such as Modern Apprenticeships.
Sandy Thomson from D & J Thomson said: “We all need to eat, and someone has to produce our food, therefore it was important to get over to the advisers the variety of jobs that are available within the land-based industries in order that they can help young people make an informed career choice.”
Lantra’s Regional Partnership Manager, Mary Mitchell said: “Careers advisers play a pivotal role and it is crucial that we work with them to ensure that they have all the relevant information about the current opportunities available within our industries.”
She continued: “In Scotland, the land-based sector employs over 115,700 people, which shows just how important the role of the sector is. Land-based and agricultural careers are perceived as being unfashionable and are not often promoted as a first career choice. However, the sector has made huge technical and scientific advances in recent years and the sector’s development is going to be essential in providing a sustainable future for Scotland.”
The event aimed to raise awareness of various careers opportunities among those responsible for providing information, advice and guidance to school pupils and job seekers.
Gail Mackay, Team Leader, Skills Development Scotland said: “Careers advisers find this kind of event an ideal opportunity to find out about careers in a particular industry. The Lantra event was the first of its kind that has been held in a long time and gave staff a valuable insight into the careers available and the current developments in national qualifications. Meeting employers from the different industries within the sector was also a valuable exercise and gave all present an opportunity to understand what each other do.”
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