George F. White has announced the sale of a traditional 220 acre hill farm near Otterburn in Northumberland. Raylees Hill Farm in the Redesdale Valley incorporates a mix of in-bye grazing, permanent pasture, improved rough grazing and moorland.
Raylees Hill Farm
Although there are currently no existing farm buildings, this sale includes planning permission for a 3 bedroomed, single storey house subject to agricultural occupancy restriction with additional general purpose farm building. Split into seven principle enclosures, Raylees is for sale as a whole or in lots.
“This is a good block of Northumberland hill ground offering the potential for someone to expand or for someone to get their foot on the first rung of the farming ladder”, saysselling agent Ben Johnson of George F. White.
Raylees Hill Farm
Raylees has part organic status and also benefits from incomes from The Single Payment Scheme and The Countryside Stewardship Scheme. Historically the farm has run 150 ewes and 20 Galloway cows, however with the construction of a new farm building it is anticipated that this number could be increased significantly. The new building would allow for the over wintering of livestock and additional facilities for storage, lambing and calving.
Ben comments further, “Raylees Hill Farm is a great opportunity for someone wanting to get into livestock farming – a youngster with ambition or a tenant farmer wanting to buy and own their own land or expand. This may be a bare block of land, but the planning consent to build an agriculturally tied farmhouse makes it a blank canvas, and an opportunity to make a home set in fantastic countryside with views down the Rede Valley to Otterburn and beyond which are second to none.”
Raylees is on the market at £395,000. Full details can be obtained from the Alnwick office of George. F. White on Tel. 01665 603231 or by visiting www.georgefwhite.co.uk.
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