Cogent has introduced three new UK-proven bulls to its line-up today which each bring high type and a strong emphasis on sound functional conformation without compromising milk production.
The three bulls – Cogent Mordor, Cogent Determined and Bilsrow Oscar – each have good positive scores for mammary traits, legs and feet and locomotion, and every one of the three is also positive for the all-important lifespan.
“These bulls reflect our long-held view at Cogent that our customers want cows with strength, substance and the constitution to sustain their production,” says Hugh Pocock from Cogent. “And we are particularly pleased that they have all come through with such positive scores for lifespan.”
Highlights of each in more detail are:
Zootomic Mordor Diana by Cogent Mordor
Cogent Mordor: the first proven son of Picston Shaker, himself from the famous Condon Aero Sharon EX91. Mordor’s dam – Cogent Mtoto Mandine VG86 – has a remarkable track record, having recently completed her sixth lactation in the UK and still going strong – with over 75 tonnes of milk already behind her.
The bull’s own proof reflects his dam’s production, with Predicted Transmitting Abilities (PTAs) at 780kg milk, 24.9kg fat and 18.7kg protein. His cell count index is remarkably low (-17) and Type Merit is +2. This reflects outstanding mammary conformation (+2.14) as well as excellent legs, feet and locomotion. His Lifespan index is +0.4 and his Profitable Lifetime Index is £149.
Listers Determined non pedigree by Cogent Determined
Cogent Determined: a high type son of Hidden-View Best and out of the US-bred Ricecrest Decision Darcy VG87. Determined has good production with both high milk and positive components, weighing in with a PTA of 696kg milk, 28.4kg (+0.02%) fat and 23.4kg (+0.01%) protein. At +2.6 points on Type Merit, he transmits exceptional mammary conformation (+2.32), outstanding legs and feet (+2.19) and good locomotion. Although around breed average for stature, his linear profile shows daughters to be far wider through the chest and deeper bodied than average. His Lifespan index is +0.2, daughters have excellent temperament, and his PLI is £146.
Bilsrow Oscar Peg VG86 by Bilsrow Oscar
Bilsrow Oscar: a UK-bred son of Calbrett-I H H Champion and out of the sixth generation VG or EX Bilsrow Gibson Olympia EX92 (2). Oscar transmits high type (TM +1.8), exceptional feet and legs (+2.1), and his daughters are noted for their outstanding body traits of width, depth and openness of rib. Also impressive for production PTAs (including positive protein percent), Oscar improves lifespan (+0.3), transmits good cell counts (-12) and his PLI is £126.
“We are delighted that these three bulls are transmitting such genuinely useful management traits which will add to any herd’s bottom line,” says Mr Pocock. “They have also maintained the conformation that will not only sustain their production, but will make them a pleasure to milk. And the fact that they are proven in the UK should give any UK producer confidence in their expected performance.”
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