In the milk recording year to the end of September 2007, Jerseys
showed the highest increase in production of all breeds
with an average now at 5635 kg milk, and an improvement of 2.8 per
cent in the year.
Jerseys re gaining recognition for their hearty appetite which,
combined with their proven feed conversion efficiency, has resulted
in the breed’s NMR average weight of fat and protein rising
in to third place and above the British Friesian.
This means that Jerseys now produce more than their Channel
Island counterparts, the Guernseys.
On a combined weight of fat and protein basis, Jerseys have
climbed in to third spot, rising above the British Friesian performance
and producing 87 per cent of the Holstein total, from cows which
are only 70 per cent of the size.
Higher production has seen calving interval ease out to 406
“Operating an extended calving regime can be a good policy,” says
Roger Trewhella, field services manager of the Jersey Cattle
Society of the UK. “However, it must be managed and not
just the result of poor heat detection or low animal fertility.
To guard against the latter the Society is placing more emphasis
on bull and daughter fertility in the sires selected for its
Jersey Sires semen business.
“The improvement in average performance is great news,
particularly the fact that Jerseys now yield a higher weight
of fat and protein than Friesians. The increase in market share,
up from 1.7 per cent in 1999 to 2.6 per cent last year is also
extremely encouraging. We have a number of very clear breeding
goals in place for the breed, and dairy farmers can be reassured
that dealing with the Jersey Cattle Society can provide the strong
foundation needed for herds of the future.”
New Entries Symbolise Positive Evolution of Holstein Rankings
The Alternative Semen Company Adds Ayrshire Sires
New UK Sales Manager at Cogent |