Tractors have been busy on New Zealand farms for
the past 100 years. Fritha Tagg looks back on a century of hard
It is nearly 100 years since the first farm tractor was imported
into New Zealand –- in May, 1904. But it was decades before
farmers finally retired their horses, and accepted that the mechanical
machines were here to stay.
Events have been planned around the country to celebrate 100 years
of the tractor.
Tractor historian Richard Robinson says farming has played a big
part in building New Zealand into what it is today, and farmers
would never have been able to make such a contribution without
the tractor.
" It is not hard to realise that farm production would have been considerably
less if farmers still relied on the power of horses or steam engines
to work their farms."
![An Ivel agricultural motor at work on a South Canterbury farm. [1913] photo courtesy](ivel.jpg) |
With no tractor manufacturing industry in the country, the machines
were imported from around the world. Starting with the 12hp American
Haines Flour City model and the British Ivel machines,
others have come from Italy, Germany, France, Sweden, Finland,
Canada, Japan,
Korea, China and Australia.
Mr Robinson says it is fitting that activities to mark the centennial
have been organised throughout the country.
Members of vintage machinery clubs are staging special events throughout
the year, where tractors will be on display.
Many of the tractors have outlived their useful lives on farms,
but have been carefully restored by enthusiasts.
Several agricultural and pastoral associations have also decided
to focus on the tractor as part of their activities this year.
New Zealand Post has recognised the importance of the farm tractor
centennial, and in April will issue a special series of stamps
featuring farm machinery.
To help celebrate the contribution tractors have made to New Zealand's
farming history Waikato
Vintage Tractor and Machinery Club is holding
a Pioneer Tractor and Machinery Rally at the Wiseman property,
Victoria Rd, Cambridge, on February 28-29.
The theme of the rally will be to exhibit the rare and oldest examples
of pre-1939 tractors and associated machinery.